KIA Niro: Main High Voltage Battery Case


 Main High Voltage Battery Front Cover | Sub High Voltage Battery upper Cover

Removal Warning Be sure to read and follow the "General Safety Information and Caution" before doing any work related with the high voltage system. Failure to follow the safety instructions may result in serious electrical inj

 Main/ Sub High Voltage Battery

Main High Voltage Battery Power Relay Assembly (PRA) Cell Monitoring Unit (CMU) Battery Temperature Sensor Runaway Arresting Device (RAD) Warning Main Relays (Positive, Negative), Pre-Charge Relay, Pre-Charge Resistor, and Battery


 Air Conditioning System / General Safety Information and Caution

Instructions (R- 134a) When Handling Refrigerant R-134a liquid refrigerant is highly volatile. A drop on the skin of your hand could result in localized frostbite. When handling the refrigerant, be sure to wear gloves. It is standard prac

 High Voltage System

Vehicle components 12V auxiliary battery The 12V auxiliary battery is located in the right side of the luggage room, and powers all of the vehicle's standard electronics like radio, air conditioner, etc. Also, it powers the HPCU (Hybrid
