KIA Niro: Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW)


 Reverse Parking Distance Warning settings

Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW) (if equipped) Reverse Parking Distance Warning will help warn the driver if a person, an animal or an object is detected within a certain distance when the vehicle is moving in reverse. Detecting sensor

 Reverse Parking Distance Warning operation

Parking Safety button (if equipped) Press the Parking Safety ( ) button to turn on or off Reverse Parking Distance Warning. When Reverse Parking Distance Warning is off (button indicator light off), if you shift the gear to R (Reve

 Reverse Parking Distance Warning malfunction and precautions

Reverse Parking Distance Warning malfunction After starting the vehicle, a beep will sound once when the gear is shifted to R (Reverse) to indicate Reverse Parking Distance Warning is operating normally. However, if one or more of the followin


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