KIA Niro: Emergency starting


 Before jump starting (for hybrid vehicle) (Kia NIRO Hybrid)

This vehicle does not have a regular 12V battery that needs periodic replacement. It is lithium ion polymer type integrated into the HEV high voltage battery. The vehicle has a 12V battery protection system that cuts 12V battery from vehicle

 Jump-starting (Kia NIRO Hybrid)

Condition(s) When the vehicle will not start due to low battery power, you may need to jump start the vehicle. Operation Turn off all unnecessary electrical loads. Make sure the booster battery is 12- volt and that its negati

 Jump-starting (12V battery) (Kia Niro EV)

Jump-starting (12V battery) Condition(s) When the vehicle will not start due to low battery power Operation Connect the jumper cables as shown. Positive (+) terminal of the flat battery (1) and the booster battery (2). Neg


 Securing a Child Restraint System with the "ISOFIX Anchorage" system

ISOFIX anchorages are metal bars built into the vehicle. There are two lower anchors for each ISOFIX seating position that will accommodate a Child Restraint System with lower attachments. ISOFIX anchor position indicator ISOFIX anchor

 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor Fusion)

Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) (Sensor Fusion) (if equipped) Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is designed to help detect and monitor the vehicle ahead or help detect pedestrian or cyclist in the roadway and warn the driver th
