KIA Niro: Warning timing/ Warning volume

Warning timing

Warning timing

Warning timing

A: Driving Safety

  1. Forward Safety Warning Timing
  2. Normal
  3. Late

With the vehicle on, touch Settings ? Driver Assistance ? Driving Safety ? Forward Safety Warning Timing on the instrument cluster or Settings ? Vehicle ? Driver Assistance ? Driving Safety ? Forward Safety Warning Timing on the infotainment system to change the initial warning activation timing of Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist.

  • Use Normal in normal driving conditions.

    If the Warning Timing seems sensitive, change it to Late.

  • If Late is selected, Forward Collision- Avoidance Assist, warns the driver more slowly.

Warning volume

Warning volume

Warning volume

A: Driver Assistance

  1. Warning Volume
  2. Driving Safety Priority
  3. High
  4. Medium
  5. Low
  6. Off (If steering wheel vibration function is equipped)

With the vehicle on, touch Settings ? Driver Assistance ? Warning Volume on the instrument cluster or Settings ? Vehicle ? Driver Assistance ? Warning Volume on the infotainment system to change the Warning volume to adjust the Warning volume levels; High, Medium, Low or Off.

If Driving Safety Priority is selected, the audio volume will temporarily decrease to warn the driver with the audible warning for safe driving.


  • The setting of the Warning Timing and Warning Volume applies to all functions of Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist.
  • Even though Normal is selected for Warning Timing, if the front vehicle suddenly stops, the warning may seem late.
  • Select Late for Warning Timing when traffic is light and when driving speed is slow.


  • If the vehicle is restarted, Warning timing and Warning volume will maintain the last setting.
  • If Off is selected, the Warning volume of Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist will not turn off, but the volume will sound as Low.
  • If Off is selected, steering wheel vibration (if equipped) will not turn off.
  • If you change the Warning volume, the Warning volume of other Driver Assistance systems may change.


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