KIA Niro: Electric vehicle guide (Kia Niro EV)


 Review of electric vehicle

An electric vehicle is driven using a battery and an electric motor. While general vehicles use an internal combustion engine and gasoline as fuel, electric vehicles use electrical energy that is charged & stored inside the high voltage bat

 Main components of electric vehicle

 High Voltage (HV) battery (lithium-ion polymer)

On-Board Charger (OBC): Transforms (inverts) AC power charge power, to DC power, to charge the high voltage battery Inverter: Transforms direct current into alternating current to supply power to the motor, and transforms alternating


 Concentric Slave Cylinder Assembly Repair procedures

Removal Remove the hybrid motor assembly. (Refer to Hybrid Motor System - "Hybrid Motor Assembly") Remove the engine clutch actuator. (Refer to Engine Clutch System - "Engine Clutch Actuator") Remove the adapter (A

 Door locks outside the vehicle

Locking/unlocking with the smart key Operation Press the front door handle button (driver's side). Hazard warning lights will blink and the chime will sound. Locking: Once Unlocking: Twice Operating condition(s) All
